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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Todd Patterson - Doom Patrol (2019)

A member of the Cult of the Unwritten Book and a follower of the Decreator, Todd Patterson was the wife of Martha and one of the two keepers of the Unwritten Book, which had taken the form of a boy. Rasing them as his own son, he taught Elliot the way of the Cult, preparing him for the day that he would save the world.

However, his faith in the Cult began to waver when Elliot was 12, beginning to feel cold feet about sacrificing his son's life. 

He eventually rebelled in 2019, pleading with Elliot on his 18th birthday to leave the house and get as far away from Salt Lake City as he could. However, before he could tell him any more, Martha used a kitchen knife to slice his throat and silence him.

His body was transported to Nurnheim as a reward for his success at keeping the book safe, transforming into Father Archon.

Martha Patterson - Doom Patrol (2019)

A cultist of the Cult of the Unwritten Book, Martha Patterson raised her son Elliot - the Unwritten Book -  alongside her husband, teaching him the beliefs of the group. She would promise that he would be the saviour of the world when the book was compleated.

Martha and Todd were Elliott's only friends, wanting to keep him with her at all times to ensure the Book did not wind up getting damaged or destroyed. She also wanted to keep him happy, bonding with her son in repairing an old car.

Making him a cake for his 18th birthday, she wished her son Happy Birthday, going off into the kitchen to fetch a knife that she had forgotten to bring in. However, upon her return, she heard Todd trying to tell Elliot to run while he could, forcing her to slit his throat. Her good demeanour changed as Elliot rushed upstairs in panic, yelling at him as she followed him upstairs.

She did her best to fend off Cyborg and a group of metahumans as they broke into her house and kidnapped Elliot, following them through the portal into the basement laboratory of Niles Caulder. She was pushed back into the dimensional gate by Hammerhead, allowing Kipling to put out the lit cigarette that kept the gateway stable, sealing it behind her.

Despite her failure to prevent the book from being taken, she was bestowed the blessing of the Cult and was named their high priest Mother Archon. She was transported to Nurnheim, where she would rule the destroyed city and her new forces from the church.

Marilyn - Doom Patrol (2019)

An acquaintance and friend of Dr Harrison in 1977, Marilyn was a patient at Corpus Sanatorium at the same time as "Jane".

She was persuaded to join the Cult of the Recreator and helped in the exercise of transforming and writing the Rewritten Book into a dog. She was the one to suggest that the bell of Nurnheim be rung to reveal the hidden words, causing Harrison to call her out for her brilliance and asking that she be the champion that will find her when the time came.

In 2019, upon witnessing the Decreator appear over Cloverton, Marilyn set about on her mission to find Dr Harrison and summon the Recreator. She travelled to Barcellona, where she cut open a priest to breach worlds and transport herself to Neurnheim. Having followed her instructions to the letter, she warmly greeted Jane as an old friend, making a comment that they were definitely no longer in Jersey. Realising that she did not recognise her, she made a joke about looking the same as she had done thanks to cigarette and tomato pie, before trying to trigger her memory with how much joy and elation Harrison had caused her, giving her life purpose. Marilyn added that now the world needed the Doctor as much as she had done all those years before.

Wanting to do her duty and prepared to sacrifice herself for her friend and her deity, she stood up to Mother Archon, mockingly calling the high priestess and her Hood Men guard the circus. Scoffing at the notion that she was spitting in the face of God, Marilyn mused that she only believed in Springsteen and had spat in his twice before. Pulling a gun on the woman, she rolled her oxygen tank between them and fired, shouting "Viva la Recreator" as it ignited and killed them all.

Kay Challis - Doom Patrol (2019)

The original persona of the metahuman known as Crazy Jane, Kay Challis was a young girl who had been harassed so badly that her mind created 63 distinct personalities to protect her from harm. She allowed others to become dominant, fearing to reveal this side of her to anyone. It was heavily implied that she was sexually abused by a male relative when she was a young baby living in Arkansas, with one such incident in 1950 sticking in her head as a source of trauma.

When Penny Farthing was reduced to Kay by the perception-altering power of Mother Achron, she asked the high priestess to revert her back to any other personality than this one. She showed care for the brain of Cliff Steele aka Robotman, carefully lifting it off the floor and cradling it in her hands.

The Book of the Rewritten - Doom Patrol (2019)

A magical power source able to summon the Recreator, the Book of the Rewritten took the form of a nameless black dog, whose words could only be read when the bells of Nurnheim are rung to ensure the book would not be discovered until the right time. It was written by the faith of Doctor Harrison and the cult she created.

It took time for it to set in the world's history, stumping the oracle Baphomet about its existence, though she did eventually manage to track it down for Niles Caulder and Willoughby Kipling.

It was found by Kipling in a house in the nearby Cloverton, reading the words to summon the Recreator and bring back everything that had been destroyed.

The Decreator - Doom Patrol (2019)

Built by the pure faith of the Cult of the Unwritten Book, the Decreator was believed to be the shadow of the light of creation formed at the Big Bang. Others also mused that it was the umbra from God's light. Either way, it took the form of a giant eye that could cause organic and non-organic matter to cease existing in any realm. Their power was so absolute that it could even penetrate to other dimensions, including one inhabited by Mr Nobody and the captured Niles Caulder.

In 2019, after the Little Sisters of Our Lady Razer recovered and read the Unwritten Book, the Decreator was called into existence over the house of Niles Caulder and Cloverton, beginning the wipeout everything.

To counter this, the pair were forced to work together to create a new being entirely that would do the exact opposite, leading to the origin of the Recreator.  Both entities cancelled themselves out and disappeared.

The Recreator - Doom Patrol (2019)

Forged from the faith and hope of Dr Harrison and her fellow members of the Cult of the Rewritten Book, the Recreator was an eye that could reverse the effects of the Decreator and restore balance to the destruction being caused by the entity.

Once it was summoned by Willoughby Kipling reading the Rewritten Book, both them and the Decreator engaged in a staring contest for the fate of the Universe, one which they succeeded in.

They both eventually vanished hours later.